Women’s Wellbeing Club Scottish Charity Status

Women’s Wellbeing Club Scottish Charity Status

In January this year we were delighted to become a registered Scottish Charity. Women’s Wellbeing Club founded in 2019 as a local group in Newton Abbot, Devon, with just 20 women attending their first club meeting. This meeting offered support and friendship to any...
Could you be a WWC Trustee?

Could you be a WWC Trustee?

Women’s Wellbeing Clubs are Peer Support Groups run by volunteers at local venues Nationwide. Our meetings are safe, confidential spaces for any Woman to attend. We provide peer-led support in a group setting where you can receive and give support, during our...
And Breathe…

And Breathe…

Did you know that breath and productivity can work hand in hand? If you’re currently working from home, your sitting positions and breathing the wrong way can lower your productivity and could increase your heart rate. For sleep apnoea sufferers this is also a cause...
Sky Dive Event July 21

Sky Dive Event July 21

On 17th July 2021, We took part in a skydive to raise funds for Women’s Wellbeing Club & Andy’s Man Club.  We would like to thank everyone involved who took to the sky yesterday we had a amazing day and raised some much need awareness and funds for our...
Walk for WWC – Join our April Challenge!

Walk for WWC – Join our April Challenge!

So are you ladies ready to get more active, start getting out and get walking?? Then we have a wee challenge for you! We want to help women to adapt to life after lockdown, so part of that is by getting outside more. Taking small steps, social distancing and...
Social Anxiety  and Mental health

Social Anxiety and Mental health

Focus on Coronavirus: How social anxiety is affecting our mental health! The lack of human interaction during the lockdowns across the UK over the last year has affected us all in some way or another, but one worrying trend emerging is social anxiety. Going into...