Women’s Wellbeing Club Scottish Charity Status

Women’s Wellbeing Club Scottish Charity Status

In January this year we were delighted to become a registered Scottish Charity. Women’s Wellbeing Club founded in 2019 as a local group in Newton Abbot, Devon, with just 20 women attending their first club meeting. This meeting offered support and friendship to any...
Could you be a WWC Trustee?

Could you be a WWC Trustee?

Women’s Wellbeing Clubs are Peer Support Groups run by volunteers at local venues Nationwide. Our meetings are safe, confidential spaces for any Woman to attend. We provide peer-led support in a group setting where you can receive and give support, during our...
How important is Sleep to our Mental Health?

How important is Sleep to our Mental Health?

Sleep is an essential component of our overall health and wellbeing. It is crucial for our physical, mental, and emotional health, and it plays a critical role in our ability to function effectively in our daily lives. Sleep is particularly important when it comes to...
Meditation for Stress & Anxiety Relief

Meditation for Stress & Anxiety Relief

Meditation has been practiced for centuries and has become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and manage stress: But what is meditation, and can it really help with stress and anxiety? Meditation involves training the...